Germantown, MD Family Law Attorney

Family Law, Divorce & Child Custody
I am Jonathan Biedron, a graduate of Harvard Law School and a practicing family law attorney since 1993. I represent men and women seeking separation, divorce, or resolution to a child custody or child support issue in Montgomery County or the surrounding areas of Maryland. Contact my law office when you need legal help with a family law matter.
In over twenty years of family law practice, the last 15 at my own firm, I've often heard clients say they were looking for a "bulldog" to handle their divorce case. They think the only sure-fire way to win is to attack the case and their former spouse.
Some situations do call for aggression, but in other cases, a reasoned, congenial, and persistent approach will ultimately lead to a better outcome. The art of helping people find successful resolution in divorce and child custody cases is to know when to push and when to persist.
Some lawyers handle every case the same way, spending their clients' money on work that may not be needed just to be aggressive (and to earn more money). The ability to distinguish which strategy is most appropriate for a given situation comes through careful listening and a dedication to the unique needs of each client. I approach each divorce and child custody case individually, tailoring my approach to meet the needs of your case and your goals.
I'm experienced in helping my clients negotiate separation agreements that ultimately allow them to achieve a less expensive uncontested divorce. But, if your case requires aggressive representation, I'll take it to court with every resource available to fight for your interests.
Whatever approach you take, there are benefits and costs. I help my clients understand when it is truly in their best interest to spend their money to contest an issue, and when it may not be. I will provide you with information and advice based on my many years of experience, but ultimately, how we proceed is up to you.
I invite you to contact my Germantown, Maryland, family law office to schedule an appointment. I offer a reduced-fee initial consultation in order to prepare you to take the next step. My office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For the convenience of my clients, I accept MasterCard and Visa.
I focus my entire practice on family law matters, handling issues involving:
- Divorce. I work with individuals at all stages of divorce, starting as early as planning the separation. We work together to decide whether and when to file, to mediate, and/or to prepare a separation agreement. I take clients through the process to conclusion through the final trial. I handle all matters related to divorce including domestic violence, custody, visitation, child support, alimony, property settlement, and requests for modification of existing court orders.
- Separation agreements. I will help you carefully construct a separation agreement that sets forth the terms resolving all of the issues arising out of your marriage, including child custody and visitation, support and property distribution.
- Modifications. If your divorce is final, but your circumstances have changed, I can help you file for modification of an existing custody, visitation or support order.
- Marital property division. I will work with you to equitably divide marital assets, including bank accounts, real estate, retirement funds, investments and business property.
- Child custody and support. I will work with you to try and achieve, either through litigation or agreement, a plan for child custody and visitation that focuses on the best interests of your children. I will also work with you to implement a child support order that complies with state guidelines and is in the best interests of the children.
- Family law mediation. If you wish to resolve family law differences cooperatively, I will help you through the mediation process, making certain you understand your rights and options, so that you can get the most out of mediation.